Tgndata offers three types of plans: Free, Business, and Enterprise.
If you want to experience the difference between your free plan and the features available in a paid plan, you can experiment for yourself with our demo data account.
There are several advantages of an tgndata free trial:
Try before you buy!
You know exactly what you're getting and have full transparency about what is and isn't included in the platform. This means that if you do choose to upgrade, you will have peace of mind from day one.
Record Limits
Please note, for the free plan the maximum number of products is 100 and you can monitor up to one marketplace. If you choose to upgrade, tgndata extends the number of products, sales channels and unlocks extra features, according to the plan you choose.
Start Your Free Plan
Visit our pricing page, review the features available in the plans and when you decide which plan is for you, click the available button.
You will get redirected to the register page where you can create your account.
Select Your Paid Plan
Anytime you want to upgrade from you free plan, you can change your plan in your account.
Launch tgndata, click the profile icon on the top right, and then click Subscirption Management.
Click on the Select Plan button under the plan you want to switch to.
Add direct monitoring or/and adjust the prices updates per day.
Click Upgrade Now in the right side panel.
Demo for Custom Plans
Please note, tgndata does also offers custom demos for Business or Enterprise plans. Contact the tgndata Sales Team if you would like more information or to discuss the different possibilities available to you.