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Import products from your WooCommerce store
Updated over 11 months ago

Store owners wishing to export their current catalog of products for any reason can generate a CSV using the built in Product Importer/Exporter tool.

1. Navigate to All Products > Products.

2. Click on the Export button at the top. The Export Products screen will be displayed.

3. Select to Export All Columns. Or select which columns to export by using the dropdown menu.

4. Select to Export All Products. Or select which product types to export by using the dropdown menu.

5. Select to Export All Categories. Or select which categories to export by using the dropdown menu.

6. Tick the box to Export Custom Meta, if you need this info. Metadata on your products is typically from other plugins. Metadata columns are exported following the meta:-prefix standard detailed above in the importer mapping section. By default, no additional metadata is exported.

7. Click on the Generate CSV button and wait for the export to finish.

8. Exit the exporter.

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